Thursday, August 24, 2006

i just realised something from cassandra. when my dad is gone, i would be like 16-17. he won't be there for my O's. thats the time i need him the most.

i just had a discussion with huiqing. we were talking about this.

if i were you and my dad had to go, i would never let him
but it would be selfish for us to not let him go
it is also selfish for him to go there and leave you all
but i think it would be "less" selfish is we let him go.
but he would still be selfish

so basically the whole convesation is about being selfish.

i think my dad's going through a hard time deciding where to go. my mom said he was the best guy for the job as he has experience, worked in the army before and is calm. i am very sure that in the whole world confirm got 1 more person is like my dad. why must he be the one. why can't my family be like other families having parents by your side. its just so unfair. why can't they find someone who doesn't have a family. single and unattached. it would be so much for him and his loved ones.

i feel that i'm getting too stressed over this matter. almost every post is about this. but i really feel that its unfair.

i think i let my feelings control me. its like today i wasn't really in a good mood and i got pissed off at someone and is still pissed and that person now i think is pissed with me?! i duno. i just know my life isn't that perfect anymore.


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